If you or your child would like to receive a sacrament, you can see all requirements and guidelines in our Sacramental Guidelines packet.
If you wish for your child to be baptized you must be registered with the parish and schedule an appointment at the parish office to complete the prep course.
First Communion preparation begins in January. Prior to enrollment, we must have copies of your child's Baptismal record and the family must be registered with the parish. To enroll your child, or if you have any questions, please contact the parish office.
Confirmation occurs every other year for 10th and 11th graders. To receive the sacrament, the confirmandee must attend the preparation class, which will be held on Sunday mornings before mass. To enroll your child, or if you have any questions, please contact the parish office.
Each couple must go through the marriage preparation course with Fr. Rusty. Please contact the parish at least six months prior to your wedding date to allow for sufficient time for the course and necessary arrangements. To schedule a wedding, or if you have any questions, please contact the parish office.